Musica Puno

A Puno con cariño

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Sillustani is where the "chulpas" are located, chulpas are round and n...

A Puno con cariño

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Sillustani is where the "chulpas" are located, chulpas are round and narrow construction mane out of stone at about 4 meters above the ground, it is thought tha these constructions were used as tombs for a pre-inca culture, the Tiahuanaku Culture. Sillustani is located not far away from Puno in the south west territories of Peru and it is considered the "Folcloric Capital of America". This is what inspired a group of young Peruvian musicians to take its name Sillustani in 1980, these musicians had played in other bands before from where thy gained experiencie and took certain influences. since they have played in the best theaters of Lima. In 1990 one of Sillustani's musicians arrived to Canada, soon after his arrival he formed a band with the same heritage which he called Sillustani. The band played in many public places winning the recognition an d popularity that made it possible for Sillustani to play in important festivals such as The Dragon Boat Festival, Show Boat, Play Land and numerous Pow Wow's.

Sillustani en Canada - A Puno con cariño
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hercu (08/11/2009)

la musica es muy buena espero que continuen con bastante esfuerzo

florian alrcon yhasty (16/06/2009)

es un paisaje lleno de la naturaleza y estoy segura que cualquier persona quedaria encantado con ese bello lugar...

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